Saturday, August 15, 2009


The beginning of this blog coincides with the beginning of a new school year. Here at Ukarumpa International School (UIS) we have year-round school. It started July 22nd. Here is a picture of my class this year.


A few things I'd like to point out about this picture. First of all, that's the sixth grade haus win in the back ground. What's a haus win? A house-like structure made of bush material (bamboo, grass roof) in which the wind blows through, like a gazebo. Second, notice my class is mostly boys? So far, I have 11 boys, 2 girls. Sure it's a small class, and that's a blessing in some ways, but it makes an interesting... social structure. And if you look more closely, you'll notice that two of my boys have already broken their bones playing in the haus win. Yes, it's true. One broken arm and one broken foot - both happened while playing "Blind man's bluff" in the haus win. Let's just say that we've established a few new rules for hanging out in the haus win.


One other thing - I'm wearing a button up shirt and tie! Is that the teacher's dress code for teaching at UIS?! No. It's my choice - but only on Wednesdays! I have a large tie collection and so I thought, "Why not use them?" So I wear a tie on Wednesday just for fun, and it reminds everyone that the week is halfway finished! Interestingly, some of my students (boys and girls) end up wearing ties on Wednesday too!


This year I have students from America, Australia, Korea, Finland and Papua New Guinea. (Can you tell by looking at the photo?) Not quite as diverse as other years, but it doesn't really matter. In fact, most of these kids consider themselves from Papua New Guinea, no matter what their passport says. Some of them have only traveled to their passport country twice - that they can remember - and even then, only for short furloughs.


I guess that's a good beginning. Thanks for reading.



Friday, August 14, 2009

No Pictures?

I haven't posted anything on this new blog yet, because it doesn't seem to accept my pictures. My first post will be about the new school year and a picture of my class - mainly about the picture. So, it is frustrating to post only the writing without the picture. I've searched the "Blogger forums" and others are having similar problems, so hopefully it's not just me. Ha!